throat cancer
An HPV throat cancer survival rate may be measured by five years or 10 years period. But recently, most researchers are now using the five years period when conducting survival rate studies of most cancers.

An HPV throat cancer survival rate may be measured by five years or 10 years period. But recently, most researchers are now using the five years period when conducting survival rate studies of most cancers. Protecting yourself against HPV infections is key to preventing related health problems, including throat cancer. If you frequently have oral sex, get into the habit of regularly examining the inside of your mouth, and make sure to tell your doctor if you find anything unusual. Even your dentist can detect any problem inside your mouth, you can visit to know more information about throat cancer and seek advice from their professional dentist.

Cancer of the throat is the cancer of our voice box (larynx) and its surrounding tissues. The most prominent parts of our throat are the larynx and the pharynx, but most tumors arise from the former, accounting to nearly half of all throat cancer cases in America.

Statistical studies will tell you that in us alone, more than 25,000 people are being diagnosed with this type of cancer per year. Smoking is one of the major predisposing factors of this cancer. Therefore, the prevalence rate of acquiring this disease is higher in male than in the female. As the person ages, the chances of having this cancer is pretty high as well, mainly if his/her history comprises of long years of smoking.

The HPV throat cancer survival rate for most patients is quite high because of the advancement in medical technology, detecting cancer as early as stage 1. However, this isn’t always the case of most patients because there are those whose over-all health status isn’t exactly healthy enough to fight off cancer as it ensues.

At stages 0 and 1, the HPV throat cancer survival rate is pretty high at 90 to 99 percent in a 5-year period. The tumor at these stages isn’t exactly that big, and it may be easily removed through surgery and some adjuvant chemotherapy if needed.

The rate of survival will then decrease at the next stages (2 and 3) with the highest rate at 75% and the lowest at 60% for the same period. At the later phase of step 3, the survival rate will drastically decrease at 50%.

Once the patient reaches the 4th stage of cancer, expect a much more decreased survival percentage. During this stage, cancer has already metastasized towards the nearest vital organs (brain, heart, lungs, etc.). In some cases, the cause of death may not be the cancer of the throat but instead, cancer that has spread to the other body parts, especially if it has reached the spinal cord and the brain. The survival percentage of stage 4 is substantially lower at 20-30%.