Month: May 2019

breast reconstruction surgery cost
#breast surgery #Health Tips

Breast Reconstruction Surgery Cost and Other Related Factors.


Breast reconstruction surgery cost is the concern of every cancer patient or anybody who is considering the surgery procedure in order to look perfect again. This helps in the early preparation and determining whether it can be covered by insurance or savings set aside. Unlike most of the reconstruction procedures that are considered as plastic surgery, breast reconstruction isn’t considered as a plastic surgery though it’s done by plastic surgeons. Breast implants after cancer is common among other patients hence most of the insurance companies offer policies that include reconstruction of the breast. read more

cancer rush
#Cancer Awareness #Health Tips

Types of Cancer Rash and their Characteristics.


Actinic keratosis cancer rash. When these nodes are numerous they will appear like the rush. This cancer rushes usually consists of dark or scaly nodes. They will often emerge in areas exposed to the sun for quite some times especially on the face, hands or on the neck. As stated above they are usually as a result if long expose on the skin to ultraviolet sunlight. If these nodes are became worst just give us a call to prevent possible skin cancer. read more