Month: March 2020

apical periodontitis
#Dental health

Periapical or Apical Periodontitis: What Is This Disease?


We normally hear periapical periodontitis in dental consultations as one of the common infections that you can get when you have damaged teeth and gums. It is somewhat synonymous with apical periodontitis in that they both affect the tissue around (periapical) or at the tip (apical) of the tooth roots. We visit Lotus Smiles Dental today in Sunbury, VIC to discover what this dental condition is, its types, and what treatment and prevention can we do to combat it. read more

How Does A Dental Panoramic Radiograph Work
#Dental health

How Does A Dental Panoramic Radiograph Work? (Digital Dentistry)


It is usual for patients to become anxious and even decline to do an x ray for diagnosis. However, through advancements in digital dentistry, there are scanners like a panoramic radiograph that lessens the risks. It is helpful for patients with oral cancer detected with radiograph, mainly digital radiograph, and improve details about it. When it comes to oral health care, research may improve ways of treating mouth problems. read more

5 Ways Medical Marketing Can Help Patients Plan A Check Up
#Health Tips

5 Ways Medical Marketing Can Help Patients Plan A Check-Up


There are various ways and categories under medical marketing that can help promote your medical expertise. After all, medical or dental facilities and clinics may want to encourage patients to look for specialized treatment. When promoting the importance of medical check ups, it is best to cater to specific audiences. A check-up must consist of an examination of the body, detect symptoms of illnesses, and explaining underlying health conditions. Moreover, the provider must also detail what happens during a medical check-up. read more