infection after wisdom teeth removal
Patients who have their wisdom teeth extracted have a fear of infection after wisdom teeth removal. This article will focus on the causes of infection and how to recognize them. Read more from this link about the <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">removal of wisdom teeth</a>.

Patients who have their wisdom teeth extracted have a fear of infection after wisdom teeth removal. This article will focus on the causes of infection and how to recognize them. Read more from this link about the removal of wisdom teeth.

What is wisdom tooth extraction?

Patients who opt for a wisdom tooth extraction suffer from problems that have been caused by the wisdom teeth. Their dentists would usually recommend these teeth to be removed. Either they are currently causing problems, or the x-ray results show that they will most likely cause problems as time passes. Dentists can recommend having them extracted even before they cause pain.

How does a patient get an infection from a wisdom tooth removal?

Dental infections after wisdom tooth extractions can happen after the removal of the wisdom teeth. The main cause of these infections is because of the bacteria that can form on the surgical site after the infection. The most common cause for infections on wisdom teeth surgical sites would be poor oral health habits. Food debris would be stuck on the stump, and are not cleaned away. After some time, these particles of food may attract bacteria that will settle on the surgical site.

It is important to follow your dentist’s directions to the letter. For the first few days, you should avoid brushing the site of the surgery to avoid irritating the wound on your gums. However, there are methods you can use to clean the surgical site and make sure it stays free from bacterial infections. Your dentist would usually recommend a mouthwash for you to use to kill these bacteria before they become a problem.

Care after surgeryinfection after wisdom teeth removal

There are many ways by which you can make sure that you do not develop an infection after wisdom teeth removal. Here are preventive methods you can practice while you are in the recovery period of your wisdom teeth extraction.

Saltwater rinse. You can use a saltwater rinse to wash away any bacteria that might be forming inside your mouth. Salt also has natural painkilling qualities, so it can be used to relieve pain after tooth extraction surgery.

Avoid smoking. Smoke can cause irritation and infection on the operation site.

Eat soft food. Avoid disrupting the healing of your surgery site by eating only soft foods that do not require too much chewing.

Follow the instructions given by your dentist. Your St Marys dentist at Pearl Dental Care clinic will give you a set of instructions regarding the care of your extraction site. Follow these and you can avoid infections from forming.

When to worry

Pain is usually a sign that there is an infection developing, however, the recovery period of any type of surgery will always have some level of pain that accompanies it. You should see your dentist if you have pain that does not subside even after the use of painkillers. Also, if you notice any unusual swelling or redness, this may be a sign of infection. If you suspect that your surgical site is infected, contact your dentist immediately.