Leading Causes of Death Australia
The expectancy of life in Australia seems to be among the highest in the world. As per some study Australia came third in the statistics of life expectancy. In the year 2015 the average life expectancy was estimated around 79 years in case of males and 85 years for females. Cigarette smoking is another leading causes of death in Australia, but when you compare it with rest of the world, it is around 16% and found one of the lowest in the world. Smoking can have negative effects on our bodies, as we are all aware of it. Especially to our dental health. It's a good idea to have your teeth checked up by a professional more frequently if you are a smoker. You can visit this <a href="https://www.dental266.com.au">dentistry site in Burwood</a> for more information.

The expectancy of life in Australia seems to be among the highest in the world. As per some study Australia came third in the statistics of life expectancy. In the year 2015 the average life expectancy was estimated around 79 years in case of males and 85 years for females.

But there has been several causes leading to deaths in Australia. In 2011 one of the leading causes of death in Australia were known to be cerebrovascular disease, heart disease, Alzheimer disease and dementia along with bronchial, trachea and lung infected cancers and obstructive chronic pulmonary disease. Almost half of the leading causes of death in Australia is related to chronic condition like cancer, heart disease.

Another cause which is growing fast in Australia as chronic illness is diabetes. It is reported that 100,000 new cases approximately comes to news every year. Studies have revealed one Australian in every five minutes on an average is found affected with type 2 diabetes.

Cigarette smoking is another leading causes of death in Australia, but when you compare it with rest of the world, it is around 16% and found one of the lowest in the world. Smoking can have negative effects on our bodies, as we are all aware of it. Especially to our dental health. It’s a good idea to have your teeth checked up by a professional more frequently if you are a smoker. You can visit this dentistry site in Burwood for more information.

Cigarette Smoking
No Surprise Here.

Moreover non-communicable chronic diseases has been accounting for greater proportions of deaths in Australia than infectious diseases. In the OECD Australia has been ranked fifth in the highest obesity rate. Statistics show almost one third of adult population is overweight and another one third is obese and 57% of the population is not in the habit of doing enough exercise.

Health statistics of Australia have recently shared that chronic diseases like heart strokes and heart diseases particularly reflecting affluent lifestyle has been found to be a leading causes of death in Australia. Also Australians having majorly fair skin are more prone to skin diseases like cancer because of severe exposure to UV light and 80% of all diagnosed cancers is that of skin, much more than that in the US or Canada.