neck cancer symptoms
Any part of our body can be attacked by cancer cells, and the signs and symptoms that we would feel rely on or depend on the location or the organ that cancer cells grow in. For instance, head and <a href="">neck cancer will manifest with signs and symptoms</a> directly affecting the upper portion of the body. Here are some head and neck cancer symptoms that everyone should be aware of so that early detection or prevention is possible.

Any part of our body can be attacked by cancer cells, and the signs and symptoms that we would feel rely on or depend on the location or the organ that cancer cells grow in.  For instance, head and neck cancer will manifest with signs and symptoms directly affecting the upper portion of the body. Here are some head and neck cancer symptoms that everyone should be aware of so that early detection or prevention is possible.


Head and neck cancer epidemiology

The occurrence of head and neck cancers are very common and widespread. In fact, this type of cancer accounts for approximately 4% of all cancer types in the US and Europe. There are clinical studies that observe males to be more likely to develop Head and neck cancers than women.


Kinds of head and neck cancer

neck cancer check-upThe main regions of the head and neck would characterize the different kinds of cancer a person may be inflicted with.

  • Oral cavity
  • Pharynx
  • Larynx
  • Nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses
  • Salivary glands


Head and neck cancer symptoms

The severity or extent of signs and symptoms would correlate to the stage of cancer a patient has. Here are some signs and symptoms people may feel if they are possibly afflicted with this traitorous illness.

  • A palpated bump or mass in specific areas of the neck, with or without presence of discomfort
  • A swelling or a mouth sore or ulcer that does not heal (mouth cancer)
  • A relentless throat soreness
  • Problem with swallowing (dysphagia)
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Mysterious weight loss
  • Coughing feats, a sign of breathing difficulty
  • Hoarse voice
  • Ear ache or difficulty hearing (throat cancer)
  • Difficulty in moving the neck or jaw (thyroid cancer)
  • Headaches
  • Nosebleeds or symptoms of infection that does not respond to medications
  • A reddish or whitish patches inside the oral cavity
  • Foul-smelling breath
  • Nasal stuffiness or congested nose
  • unexplained nose bleeding or bloody mucus


How can I prevent head and neck cancer?

Unfortunately, there is no sure trick to completely eradicate the chances of a person to develop head and neck cancers, or any cancer for that reason. We can, however, give you medical advice on how to lower your risk of developing such a challenging medical condition.

Stop smoking. We will never get tired of encouraging other people to stop smoking. Repeatedly, we mentioned that smoking will not do your body any good, so you might as well let go of this nasty habit. A stick of cigarette contains enough toxin and harmful chemicals that can damage so many parts of your body, including your lungs, mouth, and throat.

neck cancerConsult your doctor regularly. Not only will they be able to monitor your overall health status, but they are also capable of giving you several tips and ways on how to reduce your risk of developing cancer. If you are already feeling neck cancer symptoms, a consultation with your family doctor is the first step in determining if you truly are in need of getting the services and expertise of an expert oncologist. Some head and neck cancer symptoms may denote a different problem, so determining if it is indeed a sign of cancer is important as well.

Research. Because science is limitless, there are now ongoing clinical trials that study different ways to prevent the development of certain cancers of the head and neck. Talk to someone who is in contact with a clinical body so you can get an idea of how to lower your risk as well.

Avoid HPV infections. Having herpes infections of the mouth may increase your chances of developing mouth cancers. Although there are several studies that still need concrete evidence to correlate the two, there will be no harm done if we do everything we can for the prevention of both HPV infections and cancers.