Signs And Symptoms Of Salivary Gland Tumors
The word salivary gland is used to collectively describe a large group of organs in the mouth and throat. The primary purpose of these glands is the secretion of saliva. Saliva is a mixture of water, mucous membranes, antibacterial agents and enzymes of most mammals. This substance begins to break down starch and fat, which initiates the process of digestion with chewing. They can start in the mouth, neck or throat glands. The salivary glands produce saliva that aids in absorption maintains moisture in the mouth and supports healthy teeth.

The word salivary gland is used to collectively describe a large group of organs in the mouth and throat. The primary purpose of these glands is the secretion of saliva. Saliva is a mixture of water, mucous membranes, antibacterial agents and enzymes of most mammals. This substance begins to break down starch and fat, which initiates the process of digestion with chewing. They can start in the mouth, neck or throat glands. The salivary glands produce saliva that aids in absorption maintains moisture in the mouth and supports healthy teeth.

The tumors of the salivary glands are usually in the form of swelling in the affected organs, which may not be present for a long time or not. The tumor can be blocked with symptoms of blockage of the tube. Generally, in the early stage, benign and malignant tumors cannot be isolated. The participation of nerves is one of the main symptoms of transfer of fetal development. For example, the signs of facial nerve damage are associated with fatal parotid tumors. Pain and transmission in the face are often also related to deadly tumors. Other symptoms of the red disease, which may suggest lethality and additional investigations, which cover the skin of the mucous membrane, are involved in the correction of the nodule when it is due to ulcerations and stiffness.

Salivary Gland TumorsSalivary glands a tumor may have these symptoms.

  • A swelling on or near your jaw or in your neck or mouth
  • Numbness in part of your face
  • Excessive pain around the salivary gland.
  • Difficulty swallowing

Risk factor’s

The factors that increase the risk of salivary gland tumors are:

Old age

Although tumors of the salivary glands can occur at any age, they are the most common among older people.

Exposure to radiation.

Radiation, such as that used to treat head and neck cancer, increases the risk of tumors of the salivary glands.

Exposure to the workplace by some substances.

People who work with certain substances may increase the risk of developing tumors in the salivary glands. Workplaces related to salivary gland tumors include those involved in the production of rubber, asbestos, mining, and plumbing establishments.