what is prosthodontics
You may have been to the dentist and he said that you will be needing the services of s prosthodontist so he is referring you to one. You may ask questions like what is prosthodontics and what is it for? What is the difference between the services of a general dentist and a prosthodontist? Read this article so we can give you an idea about prosthodontics.

You may have been to the dentist and he said that you will be needing the services of s prosthodontist so he is referring you to one. You may ask questions like what is prosthodontics and what is it for? What is the difference between the services of a general dentist and a prosthodontist? Read this article so we can give you an idea about prosthodontics.


What is prosthodontics?

Prosthodontics, in a simple view, is a dental specialty focused on teeth restoration and replacement as well as assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of conditions associated with oral tissues. Prosthodontists, as what these specialists are called, have received extensive training and experience to become experts in their field.


What services does he offer?

What do prosthodontists do? This question may be one of the first questions you may ask if all your dental procedures have been performed by your trusted general dentist. You did not have the opportunity to understand the services different dental specialists offer and are experts on. If you are in need of the following services, a prosthodontist may be the best specialist that can be recommended for you.

  • Dental veneers
  • Dental crowns
  • Dental implants
  • Fixed bridge
  • Dentures
  • Maxillofacial prostheses (speech bulbs, palatal lifts, obturators, etc.)

What is the difference between a general dentist and a prosthodontist?

prosthodontics and dentures

Wait, you may have noticed that almost all the dental appliances and services mentioned earlier are also offered by many general dentists. So if regular dentists can perform them, what do we need a prosthodontist for? What is prosthodontics compared to general dentistry?

Well, for one, prosthodontists are all general dentists at one point. They only spent an additional three years in school to specialize and harness their skills and knowledge in prosthodontics. Yes, general dentists, especially some who have been performing these prosthodontic procedures on their own for a long time, may be able to provide satisfactory results. However, if you want to make sure that a specialist and someone trained and licensed by regulatory associations would perform your oral surgery, it is no doubt that you should seek the care of a prosthodontist. More often than not, general dentists will only perform a treatment or restoration procedure if there is no complication in your condition. Prosthodontists, on the other hand, can readily perform any restorative treatment that you may need because this is their expertise.


Are dental technicians and prosthodontists the same?

Of course not. While the prosthodontists are specialty dentists, a dental technician is the one who makes or fabricates the appliance that you will use for dental restoration. They get the measurements and other specifications from the prosthodontists based on your assessment. So when your prosthodontist mentions that he will have to order your crown, bridge, dentures, or implants and you have to come back a few days or weeks to have them fitted, it is not them who actually makes them; it is the work of a dental technician. Check out this link to learn more about getting dentures at Port Macquarie Dental Centre.