Health care

5 Ways Medical Marketing Can Help Patients Plan A Check Up
#Health Tips

5 Ways Medical Marketing Can Help Patients Plan A Check-Up


There are various ways and categories under medical marketing that can help promote your medical expertise. After all, medical or dental facilities and clinics may want to encourage patients to look for specialized treatment. When promoting the importance of medical check ups, it is best to cater to specific audiences. A check-up must consist of an examination of the body, detect symptoms of illnesses, and explaining underlying health conditions. Moreover, the provider must also detail what happens during a medical check-up. read more

bulimia throat cancer
#Head and Neck Cancer

Bulimia Throat Cancer


It's long been known that bulimia takes its toll on the internal organs of the system - rupturing the esophagus, triggering laxative dependence of the bowel, tooth decay caused by acid reflux. Unfortunately, studies are now linking this mental illness to throat cancer. Studies are still tentative, but here's a tentative summary for you to view online to get an idea on how bulimia throat cancer develops. read more

oral cancer test kit
#Health Tips

Benefits of Oral Cancer Test Kit


The number of people suffering from oral cancer is increasing at an alarming rate. The situation could get worse if not dealt with on time. However, the good news is early detection of oral cancer increases the chances of survival by 80 to 90 percent. Oral cancer can be detected early through thorough examination by a dentist or other medical expert.  The bad part is many folks just don’t bother to visit a dentist to undergo tests and examination. In such a situation, the oral cancer test kit turns out to be a life-saver. read more