An oral cancer screening light is used by a dentist to examine whether a patient has cancer or precancerous conditions in their oral cavity. The objective of this test is early detection of cancer when it is in a easily treatable stage. Most dentist do this test as a routine check for oral cancer. The oral cancer screening light helps the dentist to detect abnormal cells in a patient’s oral cavity. If you’re looking for high quality oral screening devices, you can try oral screening products from Critical Dental.
Patient Concerns
Most people ask whether it is necessary to do the oral cancer screening test even when they may not be perceived as candidates of oral cancer. The major concern here is whether exposure to the oral cancer screening light is safe or there are harmful side effects. Dentists argue that it is better safe than sorry in that when early onset of oral cancer is detected in an unsuspecting individual, this will lead to early detection and treatment of cancer before it becomes chronic.
Who is a Candidate for the Oral Cancer Screening Test?
As we have established, oral cancer screening helps detect oral cancer and precancerous lesions in the mouth at an early stage so that the cancerous lesions can be removed and in most cases cure the patient. People who are considered to have a high risk of developing oral cancer may benefit greatly from oral cancer screening sessions. Such people include:
- Tobacco users and smokers
- Heavy alcoholics
- People with a history or previous diagnosis of oral cancer.
- Those with a history of increased sun exposure which may lead to the development of lip cancer.
What to Expect During an Oral Cancer Examination Procedure
The dentist uses the oral cancer screening light to look over the inside of your oral cavity to check for red and white spots, sores or patches. The dentist also uses his gloved fingers to feel for lumps and abnormal tissue. The examination is usually painless and non intrusive. Although some people have their reservations against undergoing this exam, it just might help you avoid chronic oral cancer.