The treatment protocols of head and neck cancer include opinions from multidisciplinary tumor specialists as well as ENT surgeons, both radiation and medical oncologists. Regardless of the type of cancer; whether it’s pharyngeal, laryngeal or nasopharyngeal, the first treatment is generalized first line cure. Depending upon the stage and severity of the disease first-line, second-line or third-line chemotherapy is advised. At all stages, chemotherapy plays a vital role in providing treatment of neck and head cancer.
Despite all these facts, most effective treatment for head and neck cancer is oral chemotherapy which means any kind of cancer-curing drug given through the patient’s mouth in form of liquid, tablet, capsule or drops. Due to the presence of various issues pertaining to pharmacological and anatomical limitations, the use of contemporary medicines whether orally or intravenous administration can be extremely helpful and are strongly recommended. Though the stage of head and neck cancer is a major factor to ascertain what kind of treatment to prefer; yet orally administered medicines have their own level of significance for the healing process of the patient. Head and neck cancer can be treated in the best possible way through this remedy if the following points are considered on merit:
- Must follow the instruction of your physician.
- Know the drug’s generic and market name and its substitute in case of any non-availability.
- Consider the best time to take medication.
- Thoroughly understand the dosage and frequency of the medicine.
Must consult Oncologist while using any other common medicine, parallel to this treatment.
Following medication is usually used for the treatment of head and neck cancer:
- Odomzo
- Jakafi
- Femara
- Sutent
- Hexalen
The oral chemotherapy has almost similar benefits and risks as the radiotherapy or infusion therapy have. Oral medication for the treatment of head and neck cancer should be taken as seriously as any other method of treatment.